A meeting with the extreme
mountaineer Thomas Huber

In September 2015, Andreas Forkel participated in a workshop by Thomas Huber. The topic: „Analogy between mountain and profession.“ Andreas Forkel still enthuses about the encounter with this gifted mountaineer and the personal conversations: „Only his presence, the physical imposance, coupled with energy, willpower and passion, impressed me a lot.“

In front of the climbing wall: Andreas Forkel together with Thomas Huber.

In addition to the stories about conquered summits, the workshop also talked about the right attitude towards extreme sports. Andreas Forkel learned how important it is to have visions, to develop new ideas, to pursue dreams, and to raise the will to take them to new dimensions.

However, Thomas Huber also pointed out that in addition to physical fitness and strength, the brain is always the most important muscle for climbers.

What does mountaineering have to do with logistics

Again and again hurdles must be overcome at Forkel Logistics, you have to find your way on rough terrain, accept challenges and use them as a new impulse.

In this sense, the employees of Forkel Logistics are a bit like mountain climbers. The sporty mentality can be well transferred to work processes. Physical and mental fitness are important requirements for tackling unusual and difficult tasks with confidence.

Always the target in mind, to conclude the tasks of the customer best and safe and to have pleasure itself passing the finish line.

Website Huberbuam: https://huberbuam.de